My first blog post!

All About Me!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Alison and let’s face it, I’m new the this whole blogging thing. I generally have a lot to say about everything, so I’m nervous that this will become the place I come to ramble. That’s not what I want this space for so I am going to try to keep this to the point!

I live in London in the UK and have been the senior children’s worker at The Urban Family since it’s conception back in 2012, and I’ve been leading this ministry since it started way back in 2006. Now that I finally find myself will a little extra time on my hands (thanks to Covid-19) I thought I should really start to do some of the jobs I’ve been procrastinating over for years!

Earlier this year I started a course to learn how to make the resources I have been creating over the last 14 years into something that might be sellable. With very little confidence in myself I decided to post a product for free on Teacher Pay Teachers website and break the ice. I did so and then thought nothing more of it until I received an email with a question about my product and discovered that over 500 people had downloaded it! I was shocked and surprised, the thought that 500 classrooms or nurseries or playgroups might have my little hand washing (thanks to covid-19 again!) posters up blew me away and has now given me the courage to contiune.

It might be a little late, but that’s ok, there is always next year, but I have just completed my next product for Teachers pay Teachers and I am about to post it there this afternoon. So if you are looking for a little activity to do with your kids at the start, or even the end of a term, maybe you are just coming into the classroom now after a period of distant learning, this is the idea getting to know you activity called All About Me.

Published by

Quivers of Grace

Having worked in Children's ministry full-time for over 10 years, I have a wealth of knowledge and experience ready to share with those just startng out on their journey in ministry to children.

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